Your device unlocked and can’t be trusted

DWQA QuestionsCategory: SamsungYour device unlocked and can’t be trusted
admin Staff asked 5 years ago

Your device has been unlocked and can’t be trusted.

Did that issue from corrupt firmware. Or did I did something wrong?

your device is loading a different operating system small
your device is loading a different operating system small
2 Answers
admin Staff answered 5 years ago

If you want to fix “Your device unlocked and can’t be trusted” then you have to relock bootloader and after lock bootloader, it will disappear.

your device unlocked and can not be trusted samsung small
your device unlocked and can not be trusted samsung small
  • mnsimransaifi replied 5 years ago

    This worked.

    mnsimransaifi answered 5 years ago

    I was facing Your device unlocked and can’t be trusted but after follow this i i resolve my issue.