Your device is corrupted and cannot be trusted and may not work properly

DWQA QuestionsCategory: SamsungYour device is corrupted and cannot be trusted and may not work properly
admin Staff asked 4 years ago

I do not know why my device is showing Your device is corrupted and cannot be trusted and may not work properly. visit this link or another device.

your device is corrupted and cannot be trusted and may not work properly small
your device is corrupted and cannot be trusted and may not work properly small
2 Answers
mnsimransaifi answered 4 years ago

I also faced Your device is corrupted and cannot be trusted and may not work properly. But I did not understand what is the main issue of this error.

mnsimransaifi answered 4 years ago

According to me
Your device is corrupted and cannot be trusted and may not work properly.
Is a software issue after installing custom ROM you may face this issue.